Jay Grant - And We're Back!

Jay Grant: Geek Extraordinaire

And We're Back!

Six months ago, I spent all this effort setting up a shiny new blog for myself, only to realize that new name means new domain. I swore years ago I wasn't going to change my name again, but promises often make fools of us.

It's taken me a hot moment or two to find my inspiration, but here we are with a sleek new start, a domain name I don't love but can live with (it was cheap) and a burning need to re-establish myself.

You see, I took the Big Plunge as far as being transgender goes: I started medical transition. For me, that means that I've started to take testosterone. I don't know yet if I'll have gender-affirming surgery — I'm leaning towards either no surgery or a breast reduction instead of a full mastectomy, due to my health. Regardless, it's necessary to have a place to document all these changes.

I have a few bugs to knock out, some features to add in (still), and I'd like to add some curtains to the place, dress it up a little bit. Maybe pick out a domain I actually love and pay more than $3.50 for it. It feels good to finally have something up with the name that people have been calling me for the last six months.

Watch this space, I might do something with it! :lol: